WhatsApp: 072 684 4655 | frans@greenoverall.co.za

Water Emergency – Measure and Save Water Responsibly

Save Water with Green Overall

South Africa is experiencing a water crisis that should not be ignored. Every household can do their bit to SAVE WATER. With Green Overall's proven systems you can save a considerable amount of water every month.


Grey water is defined as water from baths, showers, hand basins and clothes washing machines or the laundry.

A bath uses 120 litres and a shower 80 litres of water. You can use this grey water to immediately irrigate your garden, saving you a substantial portion of your water bill.

Related Article: Grey Water Systems Frequently Asked Questions


Every backwash of two to three minutes will use between 200 and 900 litres of water. Stop wasting your pool backwash water and install a Pool Backwash Water Saving System.

Our Poolside Tank system receives the water normally thrown away from a pool’s filter backwash process. The system processes this dirty water and within 24 hours the water can be safely returned to the pool.

Related Article: Cape Town needs a Water Wise Hero


Rainwater harvesting is a technique used for collecting, storing and using rainwater for landscape irrigation and other uses. The rainwater is collected from various hard surfaces such as rooftops and other man-made above the ground hard surfaces.  Rainwater harvesting can help you save up to 90% of your water bill. Simply by collecting and using water harvested during the rainy season and using this water in your whole household.

Related Article: Keeping your Water Tank and Harvested Rainwater Clean

Below is information from Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality to help you with measuring your water consumption.

Save Water Now

Measure and Save Water

Franchise Business Opportunity in Cape Town

Green Overall is looking for entrepreneurs in Cape Town to join us in our drive to help residential homeowners and businesses to be more self-sufficient with their water consumption