Tips for keeping the bits out of your rainwater harvesting tank.
In some parts of the country, the drought warnings have become less frequent as the rain begins to fall. This is happy news for those who have rainwater harvesting tanks, as the tanks will be filling up nicely to replenish the depleted water stores. Having access to harvested rainwater gives homeowners and business alike the piece of mind that they always have a store of fresh water regardless of any municipal disruptions. It is important to ensure that the collected water and the water tank is as clean as possible after a prolonged drought. This is especially the case if your intention is to use the collected rainwater for drinking, cooking and cleaning items used in the preparation and consumption of food. Chat to our Rainwater Harvesting Specialist for more about installing and maintaining a rainwater harvesting tank for drinking water.
Check the roof
The roof is your primary rainwater collection surface allowing the water to run off to your gutters and into your tank. If you feel the roof has just become dusty during the drought but is otherwise in good repair, allow the first fall of water to clean the roof off first before any rainwater is harvested. Make sure that the roof is clean but do not use chemicals, lead-based paints or any toxic materials on your roof.
Clean your gutters
Long periods of no rain will allow debris to collect in the gutter. Give your gutters a spring clean to remove any dust, bird poop and other organics that have had time to build up since the last rains.
Cut back the overhanging trees
Despite the drought the trees will have grown and during the transition from Autumn to Winter, the leaves will find their way into your gutters from any overhanging branches. Covering the gutters with mesh will help keep the bigger debris out of your rainwater harvesting system.
Clean out your filters
If your tank has been fitted out with any filters and screens, make sure they are clear of any leaves, etc. This will also allow the rainwater to flow freely into the tank if you have cleared any potential blockages.
Keep the water tank clean
You should inspect your tank every 3 months to make sure the leaf litter has not built up in the bottom of the tank, although a properly designed system should not allow should not allow leaves and other material to enter the tank.