WhatsApp: 072 684 4655 | frans@greenoverall.co.za

Kyle O’Haher CFP®

Hi Frans

In 2012 we bought a small holding in Sardinia Bay Port Elizabeth. Living in the country is fantastic but we needed to rely on nature to provide us with the most basic need water. Due to our borehole water not being fit for human consumption we began to search for an alternative means to obtain water .

Frans visited our property and assisted us with a quote and the installation of a rain water harvesting system.

In December 2015 we would have been on our new property for 3 years and we have never had to switch over to borehole water.  Installing the system was the best decision ever as we now enjoy an abundance of water which is clean and sweet to the taste.

The quality of the water is SA is likely to continue deteriorate and the costs will escalate as we have seen with electricity. Being self-sufficient is the only option and remarkable rewarding.